Sapporo recommended sushi restaurants TOP3


目次 / Contents

■Sapporo recommended Sushi restaurants

1, Sushikokoro Nakamura

Here’s a sushi restaurant located in the center of Sapporo city, just right next to the clock tower, which is suitable for lunch after sightseeing. Although it’s a little expensive for dinner, but you can enjoy lunch at a reasonable price. Other sushi restaurants such as ‘Triton’ or ‘Hanamaru’ is already a famous sushi chain store in Hokkaido which everyone knows, but this restaurant is recommended if you want to taste a minor and something special.

関連ランキング:寿司 | さっぽろ駅(札幌市営)大通駅西4丁目駅

2, Kaitenzushi Triton

Titon has become so famous that is already no need to explain. Recently, it has expanded their chain store at Ikebukuro, Tokyo. There is always a large line, and busy all day. I think the appeal of Triton is its overwhelming deliciousness and the size of sushi material. To be honest, if you go to Tsukiji in Tokyo, you can eat fresh sushi, but it’s hard to find such a thick materials affordable in Triton. Also, the restaurant is suitable for enjoying with your family and friends. Personally, the fried eggplant with Japanese miso is addictive, please try it!

3, Shiki Hanamaru

Hanamaru is a famous sushi restaurant in Hokkaido alongside Triton. Comparing with Triton, I think there is more creative and kind of unusual sushi, but the price is a little higher (still reasonable for their quality). Considering the atmosphere and the price, I feel there are many people relaxing and enjoying sushi with their beloved families or boyfriends/girlfriends. Hanamaru’s restaurant is also located in Stellar Place (Sapporo Station), but this clock tower shop is more vacant and should be little-known spot.

関連ランキング:寿司 | 大通駅さっぽろ駅(札幌市営)西4丁目駅

